Rutenga is siding on the Somabhula – Bannockburn – Beit Bridge main line, in Zimbabwe.

It is located approximately 125 km south of Masvingo and 135 km north of Beit Bridge.

The road over rail bridge was designed to eliminate the level crossing that had existed on the heavily trafficked Masvingo – Beit Bridge main road.

The terrain being flat, the level crossing elimination needed to take the form of a road over rail bridge, which in turn required the construction of significant ramps up to the bridge.

The bridge was designed to comply with the clearance gauge stipulations for structures on non-electrified railway lines.

The structure (abutments, wing-walls and simply supported deck) was in reinforced concrete.

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The Heidelberg Road Solid Waste Transfer Station, in Alberton,  is located just to the north of Heidelberg Road, to the east of the Newmarket Racecourse, and just to the west of the railway line.

It had been in operation for in excess of 20 years and was not operating efficiently.

The Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality decided that upgrades and improvements needed to be made to it. These upgrades and improvements were intended to provide for:

  • Increased throughput of municipal waste;
  • Recovery of recyclable material; and
  • Separation of facilities for use by the public from those provided for municipal operations.

The work to be carried out included improvements to the existing waste collection and transfer system, by means of:

  • Improvements to enable the rapid discharge of municipal waste to the compaction units;
  • Installation of two new compaction units, including ancillary equipment;
  • Provision for the installation of a new municipal materials recovery facility;
  • Construction of a new facility for the collection and transfer of garden green waste (including branches and tree stumps), delivered by the public, as well as recyclable items such as , paper, glass, cans, used oil, etc.
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The bulk water supply to Sandton had comprised a single bulk pipeline that received its water from a point of supply in Linbro Park.
This represented a significant risk to a vast area of northern Johannesburg that contained very important business zones, as well as major industries and residential areas.

The City of Johannesburg responded to this risk by implanting a second bulk water supply pipeline from another source of supply, and subsequently, an upgrade / rehabilitation of critical nodes along the original bulk pipeline which directly served five separate reservoir complexes, with a total storage capacity of 190 Megalitres.

A critical component of the upgrade was the elimination of the excessively high pressures in the bulk pipeline feeding the large and very important Bryanston Reservoir complex, with a water storage capacity of 100 Megalitres.
The inlet control systems could not cope with these high pressures and were subject to regular failure.

This project required, inter alia, the complete reconfiguration and replacement of the Bryanston Reservoirs inlet meter and inlet controls, including strainers, pressure, flow and level controls, as well as the introduction of two new pressure reduction facilities at appropriate nodes along the bulk pipeline.

Also necessary was the replacement / refurbishment of large diameter isolating valves, air valves and scour valves.

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